Jody Servon

Dreams for Free

Jody Servon’s projects include installations, drawings, photographs, video and social experiments. Her work has appeared in exhibitions, screenings and as public projects in the U.S., Canada, and China. Servon frequently collaborates with people on projects that explore our experiences with objects, ideas, and our surroundings.

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The artist offers a lottery ticket in exchange for a dream. For every ticket, she asks the recipient to write down what he or she would do if he or she won. With these wild imaginings, the artist explores the complex social world underlying the lottery, encouraging people to dream big—bigger than they would if she were simply to give away dollar bills.


October 18   3:00 – 6:00

Time • Duration • Location

Starting at 3pm,until 50 tickets are given away. Walking west from Seventh Avenue and 14th Street.

(Rain date: Saturday, October 19 at 3pm, starting at Avenue A).